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Toxocariasis is a disease caused by Toxocara sp. Toxocara cati is a species of toxocara that can attack cats. Toxocara cati infection is not only dangerous for its host but has also been reported in humans as it is a zoonotic disease. Humans can be exposed to toxocariasis by accidentally consuming infective eggs found in cat feces and contaminated soil. Toxocariasis causes visceral larval migrans and ocular larval migrans in humans. This study was conducted to detect Toxocara cati in the feces of stray cats in the South Ternate District of Ternate City. This study is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional design using data from the examination of cat fecal samples in the laboratory. Examination of fecal samples in the laboratory using the flotation method with the number of fecal samples 33. The results of the study obtained 11 (33%) positive stool samples containing Toxocara cati. The results of this study show the presence of Toxocara cati in feral cat fese so that the community can prevent the incidence of toxocariasis early, especially at the source of transmission.

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